List of 5 Tech Trends That Will Impact Education System In 2021


Technology is progressing day to day as nowadays our lives depend upon these creative technologies whether it be small things like using a dishwasher or huge things like sending ships to space, we have seen everything. I would say that what we are experiencing is the start of a new era in the history of mankind.

However, there is no good in denying the fact that tech devices have impacted our daily lives greatly, and now will be the right time to start giving education to students about these technologies.

Here’s a list of 7 tech trends that will impact our whole education system in the coming years.

  1. Internet of things:

This term is used to define the physical devices which are connected and to the outer world. These devices will be the alternate for chalks, blackboards, and soft boards, just like how we all shifted to Zoom sessions in this pandemic. A time is about to come when our education will shift to virtual sessions and there will be virtual universities instead of the conventional ones.

  1. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning Technology:

AI is one of the most useful technology in the modern world. We should try to incorporate these technologies into our education system. This will turn the tables of our society as the world in which we are living today needs automated algorithms, AI-driven tools, and devices for saving time and labor.
Normally it would take many hours for a single professor to check plagiarism manually but through these efficient algorithms today this task can be done in mere minutes.

  1. Blockchain Technology:

This technology is known for its applications that help in the financial area and banking sectors. It helps in storing the information like credit hours and then issuing a diploma rather than generating a hard copy of the certificates. It is time-saving and easy to use. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is already practicing this technology as they provide virtual credentials to their alumni.

  1. Big Data:

Big data and data analytics can be used for gaining information regarding how institutions work. In the USA, many schools use this technology for various purposes such as cleaning classrooms and planning bus routes, etc. Nowadays many tools can be used for big data analysis to maintain the planned work routine of the organization.

  1. Robotics:

Many automated machines have been developed over the years that can perform tasks like humans. In education robots and AI software will help inflexible teaching and learning.
We all have heard of Alexa or Siri, these are the automated personal assistants that help us in solving our problems of daily lives.


All these technologies will dominate our education system as there is a wide scope of such technologies in the future.

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